Erfahrungen zum Studium Global Prject & Change Management an der Windesheim UNiversity

Maria-Tiyana studies Global Project and Change Management.

I am Maria-Tyana, a first year student Global Project and Change Management from Bulgaria. Before deciding to enrol in this programme, I was rather lost. I knew neither where, nor what I would like to study. The only thing I was sure of, was the fact that I wanted to make a change in the world by pursuing a certain career. 


When I came across Global Project and Change Management, it was love at first sight. The environment-related study combined with a business degree is what made me choose this study. After some research, I found out that Windesheim was the best place to pursue this programme; therefore, I applied immediately. 

Research, project plans and organizational analysis

By enrolling, I got to experience a whole new teaching method. Even though I am only in the first year of the programme, practice-oriented studying is it for me.  We are working with a real client and learning how to do research, project plans, organizational analysis, and more. Having said that, I would say that I am already building the experience needed in order to make a positive change in the world as a project manager and a change maker.

What I love about the programme, apart from the subject of the study, is how diverse it is. I have classmates from all over the world. That has made me see different perspectives and opinions. Not only on sustainability, but on life in general. It has made me even more passionate about helping people with my work in the future.

Completing big assignments in no time

Even though Global Project and Change Management is a practice-oriented programme, there is a lot of writing involved. At the beginning, it wasn’t easy. However, once you get the hang of it, you are able to complete big assignments in no time.


For me, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most important thing that the programme focuses on. Before, I was unaware of the concept of 17 aims established by the United Nations that define the world we would want to live in. In addition to that, all the other skills we learn are going to help us to contribute to achieving the SDGs.

Small city

Windesheim has great facilities. We have our own floor and we even have a Common room where we gather for different lectures and workshops apart from the study. Having said that, there are many extracurricular activities organized by the university and its students.


Although Zwolle is a small city, it has everything that a student needs. From quiet places to study, to places for going out. I love the fact that everything is no further away than a 15-minute bicycle ride, which helps a lot during deadline week. In addition, there are great parks where you can take a walk in nature. 


In my opinion, The Netherlands is the perfect place for a student. The educational system offers a large variety of programmes to choose from, as well as an English-friendly environment where all foreigners are welcomed.


For me, studying Global Project and Change Management in Zwolle is a dream come true. I therefore welcome all challenges that come along the way! :)